Everybody’s Got A Price
Well, it’s been over 8 years since I’ve added anything to this blog and a lot has changed since then. I have a ‘new’ kitchen, there was a global pandemic, I’m down to one kiddo at home, there are meal subscription kits, Instagram (even my dog has one of those, @TheFrankieSinatra), and TikTok…I could go on and on. My husband made a snarky comment about my food blog 8 years ago and being the stubborn mule that I am, I said, “Fine. No more blog.” and walked away from it. Mind you, I pay to the keep the site and still cook A LOT of the things from it and love revisiting the very true stories that each recipe had to offer. Over the years, my husband has made many offers to try to make up for ‘the comment’ and to get me back in the kitchen with my magazines and recipes, to no avail. He finally made an offer I couldn’t refuse. Granted we were having adult beverages, and he can’t remember everything he promised (this could actually work in my favor-does anyone know case law involving hung...