Penne with Asparagus, Sage and Peas...less the sage!!
So lately I don't know if I am coming or going between soccer practice, Cross Country, work and normal day-to-day stuff....and soon we will add the girl scouts to the mix. I apparently think my plate needs to be a bit more full. I searched thru to find some simple yet yummy looking pasta receipies because my oldest needs to eat pasta, pasta and more pasta. I thought I would give this a whirl and my family voted that this one is a keeper! I had no sage, nor did my fresh herb gardener and neighbor, Bo! So I made this receipe without it. I will definitley make this one again! It was fast and easy and the kids liked it!! Next time I will also add Prosciutto...I think the salt will add great flavor! (So while I am cooking new dishes I am also learning to Blog...I may have to take some lessons from my buddy Carrie. I won't tell you how long this took me!!!!)

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