The Teenage Word on the Street...

One of Taylor's friends (Christine) was over at the house and I was going through magazines, looking up new things to try.  Taylor had told Christine about the food blog.  Much to my surprise Christine was jazzed about the idea and wanted to be one of my guinea pigs.  Well, feel free to stay for dinner and you can come try them anytime you want!  Just be honest if you don't care for it, it won't hurt my feelings. So, she did, stay, not hurt my feelings.  (I was just glad this wasn't Duchess Potato night, I don't think I could serve her cow patty shaped potatoes with a straight face)  So, watch for our guest judge, Christine, to make an occasional appearance!

On to the recipe! Long Boy Cheeseburgers (This was a $12 meal that fed 6)

So, I felt a little pressure with this one.  Not only was I doing a trial run on a new recipe for someone new, the recipe for the night was something that was called a Cheeseburger, but in all actuality, was more of an open faced meatloaf sandwich.  I was then going to have to sell it to the teenagers, that can spot a burger from an impostor at 20 paces. Good luck to me.

I left out the minced onion in this recipe.  Unless it is sauteed and soft, I don't care for it.  But, that's just me. Other than that, I followed the recipe.

I held my breath and tried not to make eye contact with the kids when I asked how it was. Drum roll please....  They loved it!  Christine said she liked it better than plain old cheeseburgers.  I have to say, it was really moist and so good!  I was impressed.  And shocked that everyone was a member of the "clean plate club" on fake cheeseburger night.  Mark said his only critique was that he wished there was a little more meat on his...  But, all in all this was super easy, inexpensive, and something different!

The Burger Mixture

The Long Boys pre-melted cheese

What's not to love?

Thumbs up!  (check out the plates--only the fries are left!)

Long Boy Cheeseburgers from Cook's Country Feb/March 2010 (this is a keeper!)


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