I realized that I have only posted recipes from my Cook's Country Magazines. I decided to start with them because they had the most dog eared pages. It wasn't an inexpensive subscription ($20 for a bi-monthly year) and I only bought the one year. After having made several big hits from this particular cooking magazine, I have re-subscribed. I truly appreciate the fact that they use ingredients I usually have on hand or have at least heard of, and if there is one or two I have to hunt for, they usually aren't cost inhibitive. That, and I love to try one or two new things. For those of you that have a ton of food magazine subscriptions (myself included...), this is a must have and well worth it. Or, I'll just post mine. :)
So, I came across a St. Louis-Style Pizza recipe dog eared in Cook's Country Feb/March 2010 (Who knew St. Louis had a style of pizza). I thought making my own dough would be taxing when I originally marked the page. However, it's a thin pizza (which I prefer) and with my new found adventure in cooking out of the magazine, thought I would give it a try.
In this recipe, I didn't venture away from it in the slightest. I only had a problem finding White American cheese that I could grate. I ended up at the deli counter and the line was so super long (I was person 72 and they were on 46) that I walked over and bought the pre-sliced deli White American and made do. When I was shredding it, I just put the slices all together and made a makeshift block. I, also, had to substitute dried basil for fresh. The untimely October snow storm killed my basil and thyme plants in my herb garden.
The basil and thyme used to be here... |
I really need to work on this particular part... |
This was another win with my family! I think the next time I make this (and I will) I might cook the dough for 5 minutes or so and then assemble. We really like a crispy crust in this house. I also might make more because there was a fight about who was getting the leftovers in their lunch the next day. The only other caveat was my destroyed kitchen.
Ingredients |
I Made Dough!! And It Wasn't Difficult! |
Cheese with Liquid Smoke
Pizza One |
I'm so glad the recipe made two of these guys!
Here's the recipe for St. Louis-Style Pizza. Enjoy!
Update: I tried cooking the pizza crust for 4-5 minutes before I added the toppings and then cooked according to the recipe. My edges were a little "cajun" (that's how my family says burnt), it wasn't inedible burnt, but I might look up how to avoid that next time. And instead of using flour when I roll out the dough, I might try cornmeal. Just to avoid the floury taste....I'll update with the next go around. This pizza is just so yummy, I can't help but to try to tweak it.....
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