For Christmas, my folks got me a subscription to "Taste Of The South". I know that any kind of food that comes from the southern portion of the US has to be some of the best tasting food, maybe on the planet. There was one recipe in the first issue I received that stuck out to me and knew I needed to try. It was called "Grandpa Bob's Brisket". I'm not sure who Grandpa Bob is, but I think I could kiss him on the mouth for letting his granddaughter share his recipe. The only problem was, I normally read through and study the recipe so I am not quite so messy and dinner doesn't take quite so long....but I did not do that this time. Apparently, Grandpa Bob marinates his brisket overnight. Oops! So, we ended up having a frozen pizza night and the next day we ate Grandpa Bob's brisket. I absolutely loved it. We had brisket sandwiches for two days and those were some amazing sandwiches.
This was about a $20 meal for 4 1/2 people and it made 6-7 sandwiches for lunches on top of that. I may have also ate a little, cold for a snack....MAY have. ;)
Oh, and an FYI the Penzey's spices are the BEST! That BBQ 3000 was a gift from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Thank you Brian and Kim!!!! If you can find a Penzey's Spice near you, go. Immediately. If not, check out their website Really fantastic spices.
Yummmm! |
The Ingredients |
It Was Falling Apart Coming Out Of The Bag |
Off To Marinade Overnight |
Grandpa Bob's Brisket Taste of the South Oct/Nov 2011 |
I'm gonna try this....who cares about Kaitlin and Riley....this looks SOOOOOOO yummy! Being that you ate from it for days, I'm gonna make this when my in laws are in town!