I went back to the 30 minute suppers in my Cook's Country magazine. I saw one I had marked to cook and thought, "What the Hay?! I've got a few hours to kill making this "30" minute supper." Fortunately, it was just one hour. I don't know if the pictures of the steps were even worth the trouble, so I am leaving them off. Everyone complained about the smell from the balsamic reduction. I, honestly, was unsure if I could get them to try it. I have learned my lesson (lots of dried out meat) and have been using a meat thermometer. So, according to the recipe, the tenderloin is supposed to reach 145 degrees in the center...I let mine get to 150. After resting it, I went to slice it and it was a very light pink in the center. Of course it was. So, I had to google if this was okay or did I need to pan sear them until there was nothing at all pink. I looked it up on the USDA website http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Factsheets/Pork_From_Farm_to_Table/index.asp
And they said that was fine and safe on a tenderloin. And I have to say, that was a super yummy dish! My kids were hesitant, but the sauce didn't taste like it smelled and was very sweet. The potatoes were amazing also! Dr. Mark is our only onion eater and loved seeing the shallots on the dish. This is definitely an easy go to that looks impressive if you have company coming over. It also wasn't an expensive endeavor. $15-$20 or so, for everything. And worth every penny!
The Finished Product! Ta-Da!
The Ingredients |
I Did The Balsamic Version |
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