First, my apologies to my partner in crime for not being such a good partner this past month! It has been WAY too long since I posted a recipe...good news is I have a few lined up to I just have to catch up!
We had friends over before New Years for a casual dinner...the great think about having our good friends Allyson and Mike over this night is I had to work so Allyson brought EVERYTHING and even prepared it. Don't worry Carrie, I still followed the rules...this recipe is from a magazine, a VERY old one that they no longer produce anymore. Does anyone remember Victoria magazine? Allyson clipped this out years ago and it remains a staple in her home to this day, and I can see why. It was delicious!!!! I may even have this edition in the piles that I am still going thru ;) Let me add that I did not even attempt to feed this to my kids. Between my not wanting to share it in fear there wouldn't be enough for them and us, I opted to give them another kid friendly food....Dutch Pancakes. Have to stray from Mac and cheese and Grilled Cheese once in a while.
So, I did fail at one thing with this receipe...I failed to take pictures when we were cooking. That's what happens when you are turning the big 40 this year. There will be many many senior moments for me.
I did take a picture of the completed dish that was SO incredibly easy to make. Granted, I was holding my glass of wine watching and learning...but it LOOKED very easy. I will say that Allyson devites from this receipe that she does not make her own tart shell. She uses the pre-made dough that you get in the cold section of your market near all of the biscuits. This is what I use as well when I make homemade apple's worth saving yourself the aggrivation! It is also not a very expensive dish to make,
Thank you Allyson for a great night and a great dish!!!!!! |
From VICTORIA magazine, a million years ago :) |
I think the Fontina cheese would cost the most. It is also worth investing in a tart shell where the bottom comes out...Allyson brought me one this night as a gift that I will be using again when I make this dish on my own! This is such a great dish because you can make can add ground sausage, peppers...the list goes on. You won't get bored! One final note: this says 8-10 servings...In my opinion, that's not true. It's more like 7-8. ENJOY! and I am glad to be back!!!!
This tart pairs well with wine also. :) Has your friend tried anything that does not include mushrooms?