There Is No Quicker Way To Lose Your Kitchen 'Street Cred'....

Yet Another 2 Hour Dinner
(this time it wasn't the recipe's fault)
When the cat's away, the mice...well, they'll attempt grilling.  There may be a reason that men, typically, do the grilling.  It could be based around the fact that they have a genetic predisposition, fire and the great outdoors take them back to their caveman roots...or it could simply be they know how to turn the damn thing on.

My husband was in Vienna for business and I had the great idea to do a magazine steak dinner for the kids.  Sort of a "you're stuck with me" consolation prize.  I found, what appeared to be a super fast and easy recipe in this month's Cooks Country, Grilled Skirt Steak.  It was perfect.  I had everything I needed on hand except the steak and it was a 15 minute from start to finish (at least for most people) protein.

Good Luck Turning That Baby Off
(note the plier marks)
I hadn't anticipated the road block of Carrie (and kids) vs. Grill.  To my credit, the grill is new.  I had yet to give a whirl.  I went to turn the propane tank on and that's where trouble began.  I tried and tried again.  I tried to turn that nozzle until my bones hurt.  I then called in the reserves.  First, came Taylor...she's an athlete and a south paw (maybe doing this left handed would be an advantage).  Nope, it wouldn't budge.  We called Ryan...13...a young man...maybe we needed the Y chromosome.  Nope...not that either.  I think we jumped the shark when we had Mark Henry (the 4 year old) give it a go.  When that didn't work (shocking, I know), my mind was was almost 8 pm and the hardware store was closed, maybe Taylor knew a strong guy that lived close by (she immediately shot that one down), maybe a neighbor could help (I couldn't bring myself  to becoming that neighbor who couldn't start a grill)...I knew whenever the thought crossed my mind to call 911, we were about to throw in the towel.  As a last ditch effort, I wondered if we needed some leverage...maybe there is a tool that could help, like a wrench or pliers.   I sent the Y chromosome to the basement to locate any and all tools that fit that description.  When he came back with miniature wire cutters, I began to rethink that whole genetic predisposition argument.  I found some pliers and we took turns giving it try until we were all bruised and exhausted.  When Mark Henry asked to try, I was done. That was it.  Carrie vs. Grill....grill wins.  As I was thinking/praying dear Lord and sweet baby Jesus...what was I going to make for dinner now and I need to google how to quick chill a bottle of Chardonnay, Mark Henry looked at me sweetly and said, "okay, all fixed!".    I got up, patted him on the head, and looked at him with the same pity that my older children were looking at me with, and humored him.  I'll be damned, if that stupid grill didn't light up.  I guess SOMEONE didn't turn the valve off the last time he used it.  The kids' looks of pity turned into what I can only describe as contempt.

The steak was amazing.  We had all worked up quite an appetite.  It was such a fantastic and easy (less the grill situation) recipe.  I would highly recommend trying long as you have quick access to pliers and a 4 year old genius.

The Ingredients

The Marinade (done after cooking)

Cook's Country June/July 2012


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