Here's your damn cinnamon rolls, cinnamon rolls |
I mean lunch....
dinner. Never mind. These are, here's your damn cinnamon rolls, cinnamon rolls. Needless to say, this recipe did not go according to plan. Such as, I intended the cinnamon rolls to be for breakfast. Go figure. I also it in my crazy head that I would be there to finish them up, seeing as I had plans at 2:30. I started the cinnamon rolls around 9:15...one would assume a breakfast food could possibly be baked and consumed sometime in the breakfast hour. I ended up having to leave them to be baked by my 18 year old and the final pictures would be left up to her too. There's nothing like working on something for 5 and a half hours and leaving the project to someone else to finish up. This was not my finest cooking hour.
What my kids had
for breakfast instead... |
Mint and Cinnamon
do not mix |
I was going to suggest that these rolls would make an awesome Christmas morning treat, but you'd probably have to start them Christmas Eve night. What human could possible get these to the breakfast table?! Not this human, that's for sure. You'd have to start at 3:00 am. No thank you. I went back to the recipe. What in the world lead me to believe that I could get this done in a timely manner? And then I saw it.
"Total time: 1 hour + rising and baking" WHAT?!? No wonder I was confused! I saw the 1 hour and
assumed the rest would be doo-dah. Not the case folks. They just didn't want to write... "
These damn rolls are going to take you all day. Get comfortable and pray there is good TV on." Then I began to question these Cuisine At Home people. So, I had plenty of time to read exactly what I got myself into... I started at the top. Title...okay, I got that. Right underneath it says: 'Proof the yeast'...lost me there. (that was quick) What the heck is proofing yeast? I know about proof in Vodka...or proof in wine.... I googled it. Apparently this is where the yeast is active, foaming and doing it's job. Then they go on to say, "it should be foamy and bubbly after 5 minutes. If not, check the expiration date on the yeast." These guys are just all about wasting time. Shouldn't that be the first order of business? Check the dates on ingredients? I was done reading. I was wasting valuable daylight. My last beef with the Cuisine At Home folks is going to be, if you have items you have to have to make a recipe...why not just add them into the ingredients list. For example, if you suggest dental floss to cut the cinnamon rolls...let a girl know! I only had mint flavored dental floss in this house..... Argh! I'm sure that will mix well with the cinnamon flavor.... Okay, I'm done griping....for the most part, anyway.
oops.. |
During the
2 hour rising wait, I began to wonder if there is a way to pre-make part of the process and refrigerate....? It seems like bread and baking in general is a strike while the iron is hot endeavor. If anyone has a tip on that, I am all ears...
Regardless of the lost day on making a 4:00 pm 'breakfast'...these rolls were fantastic! I loved them and contrary to the back and forth text messages to my daughter (you did a great job, by the way Taylor!) they were perfect. (I
may have been a little high strung and over-protective of
MY cinnamon rolls...)Although my 4 year old only licked the frosting off his...he said he likes the "smaller ones"... Meaning pillsbury in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. Well, you can't win them all. Clearly.
The ingredients |
The batter before the extra flour and oats |
Ready to Rise |
2 Hours later.... |
I seriously measured |
The Cinnamon-y goodness |
Ready for the oven (after 6 hours) |
This is the BEST frosting! |
Finished!! Too bad it's dark outside now...
(photo courtesy of my beautiful daughter, Taylor.) |
Cuisine at Home Oct 2012
(just in case you need a day to kill) |
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