It Was Bound To Happen...

I'm pretty sure I have managed everyone's expectations here....I'm no professional.  I didn't even own half of the equipment, I now use, a year ago.  Sometimes I pick a recipe because it just sounds impressive, or because it looks impressive, but actually they are just super easy and I don't have to go to the store.  I'll do anything to avoid extra trips there.  (These New England ladies (I use the term loosely) are cutthroat at the grocery stores...they will run a mother down and never look back).

Well, this week, I have just been doing old school (pre-blog) comfort foods.  Easy and mindless. I don't need a recipe sitting in front of me, a vicodin, 2 bottles of wine, and 5  So, I went into my archives of pictures to find a recipe to write about and post.

I came across a picture of some chicken I made. It looked really good.  I was trying to place the chicken and the story that went with it.  Racking my brain.  I thought, 'if I flip through some more pictures of it, maybe it will come back to me.'  Just the ingredient picture alone look complicated.  Then I realized that the sauce had it's own ingredient picture.   A list of ingredients so big that I need TWO pictures to keep it straight.  Not only that, but the recipe is two different pages and pictures too. What was I thinking? I must have been lured in with the use of wine in the recipe. That's the only reason I can come up with for doing this recipe. I guess I have blocked it out of my mind.  I can't remember it at all.  Why can't I remember this chicken?  It probably took hours!  Maybe days.  I can only think it must be one thing: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

So, being the thorough person I am, I looked up PTSD (that's what people 'in the know' call it).  Here's the definition:

The essential psychological effect of trauma is a shattering of innocence. (innocence lost, check.) Trauma creates a loss of faith that there is any safety, predictability, or meaning in the world, or any safe place in which to retreat. (everything that they just wrote, check) It involves utter disillusionment.  (to be fair, I might have had this before the chicken) Because traumatic events are often unable to be processed by the mind and body as other experiences are, due to their overwhelming and shocking nature, they are not integrated or digested. (well, I seemed to have blocked this chicken from my brain, so check) The trauma then takes on a life of its own and, through its continued effects, haunts the survivor and prevents normal life from continuing until the person gets help. (Oh God. I need better insurance)

Well,  it's official.  I was hoping it was something less, chicken amnesia.  

Regardless, here's the chicken dish.  Try it, if you dare.  

Sauce Ingredients

Chicken Ingredients

I have no idea....I'm adding this because it
was a good picture, I like I added the
lemon to the photo.  Nice touch.

The Sauce Recipe
as well as added ingredients
to the crust recipe

Chicken Crust recipe from
Cuisine At Home
Free Preview Issue

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