Cheater, Cheater, Cheesecake Eater....

The Greatest Cheesecake I Have EVER Eaten
I'm not proud of what I am about to do.  I would like to go down for the record as at least being an honest cheater.  If there is such a thing, I am her.  I actually cheated twice on one blog.  First, I can kiss my 'I'll eat less after the holidays...' load of malarkey goodbye.  Cheated on the 'diet'...or lack there of.  I guess you really can't call large quantities of beer and wine and skipping breakfast a diet...but let's not split hairs.  Also, this recipe is not from a magazine.  There.  I've said it.  Now, granted, it is originally from a magazine that is now compiled in a cookbook form, but it is cheating, none-the-less.  I even went so far as to try to find out what magazine and date this came from.  Trying to 'fool' you.  I did look, but couldn't find it.  So, I am forced to come clean.

You know, I blame this entirely on my husband.  It's his fault I have cheated on the magazine cooking food blog.  He had a hankering for cheesecake and I just couldn't find a recipe for one in my magazine archive.  I really did look.  I just wanted a good old fashioned NY Cheesecake recipe.  I did have an America's Test Kitchen cookbook and just happened to open it up to a page with the most perfect looking cheesecake.  What's a girl to do?  I don't know if you have ever made a cheesecake before, but it's an all day affair.  Lots of mixing and pouring and long cook times, with long cool down times, before you can even put it in the fridge.  I wasn't about to do all that work and then not be able to put it on the blog.  I reiterate...all his fault.

I considered not writing about it or sharing....but then the damn thing turned out perfect.  Not only that, the next day I attempted the strawberry topping....and I swear to you, it was the most amazing thing I have eaten in a while.  Perfection.  How could I not share that?  Well, screw it.  Here you go.  It's not directly from a magazine, but it's blog-worthy.

Cheesecake Ingredients
Strawberry Topping Ingredients

Consistency of the
Graham Crackers

After the Crust Was Cooked
Before the Oven

Out of the Oven
Strawberries Before They
Release Their Juice
After 30 Minutes

Jam After Its Run Through
The Food Processor

Sheer and Utter Perfection

The Cook's Illustrated magazine Cookbook Recipe


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