Cook's Country Grilled Leg Quarters With Lime Dressing |
Was 20 years ago....or 3 months ago if we are talking about blog entry vs. tree planting and the next best time is right now. Some may call it lazy. Others may say busy. I lean towards what "others" say. Mostly because it sounds much nicer. Really I think life got in the way, or was happening rapid fire at me. I was definitely playing a defensive game and not an offensive one (it is football season--I had to make a reference)....but I am back and cooking. And with that, comes the writing. It's my inexpensive therapy (of which my husband would say I need tons), so bear with me.
I consider Fall is arguably the best time for cooking out. It's not too hot, it's not too cold and I have a lot of grilling recipes I did this summer clogging up my phone picture storage. So for the sake of arguing, let's just agree that Fall is a great time to get out and get grilling. (And free up some space on my phone in the process.)
In the June/July issue of Cook's Country there was a recipe called Grilled Leg Quarters. The picture looked fantastic in the magazine and anyone who has priced meat at the grocery store knows that leg or leg quarters won't break the bank. This recipe used quite a bit of fresh ingredients, which always makes me happy. So, I was sold. Now it just needed to be easy and tasty.
Since I made this back in July....I can't comment too much on the easy part. Good news is, I didn't look at the picture and suffer any PTSD. That's a positive sign. No chicken horror story flash backs to speak of. I do remember calling my mom and sending her the picture of my food and telling her how great it was. I probably would not have done that if it was extremely difficult. I also remember that it tasted fantastic! As a bonus, everyone ate it. There was nothing left. And after perusing through the recipe and pictures, I'm hungry and want to put this on next week's menu. Not to mention, this is a recipe that looks impressive. I think it looks like really good restaurant food. With all that being said, I give this one a thumbs up. Looks good, tastes good, inexpensive, and no food nightmares.
The Dry Rub |
Bone Deep Slashes So The Rub Really Flavors The Chicken |
The Lime Dressing |
The Ingredients |
Cook's Country June/July 2013 |
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